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Recent Livestyle Tips

Best Valentine's Day Gift Ideas For Him and Her 2022

10 Best Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas For Him and Her 2022

Best Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas For Him and Her 2022 True love is priceless and Valentine’s Day gift is one way we show love to the one we truly love. And really, it’s only because Valentine’s Day is the one day of the year when everyone’s boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands, wives, parents, best friends, you name it, wants to express their love with grand gestures. You just want to give the best Valentine’s Day gift. Even if you’ve proven time and

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Whiskey and Cognac

Whiskey and Cognac- Know Your Drinks

Whisky and cognac are a great category in drinks. Some prefer whiskey, while some prefer cognac. However, you can identify which is which from the label once you know certain key ingredients.  Its not uncommon for many people to mix up the brands/Category(s) of what they drink. Most people walk into bars, clubs or wine stores and just place an order for the most popular drink, not knowing what it is they are actually consuming, the health benefits and how

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Wines and Spirits In Lagos

Wines & Spirit: Distilled Spirits In Nigeria

The Nigerian alcoholic beverage industry is a very wide one and its making is quite unique. The making of distilled spirits in Nigeria begins with the mashes of grains, fruits, or other ingredients. The resultant fermented liquid is heated until the alcohol and flavourings vaporize and can be drawn off, cooled, and condensed back into a liquid. Water remains behind and is discarded. The concentrated liquid, called a distilled beverage, includes such liquors as whiskey, gin, vodka, rum, brandy, and liqueurs, or cordials.

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Wines and Spirits In Lagos

Wines & Spirit: Alcoholic Drinks In Lagos

Alcoholic drinks in Lagos is largely consumed without people knowing how it works in the body. So here’s how. In the ingestion of an alcoholic beverage, the alcohol is rapidly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract (stomach and intestines) because it does not undergo any digestive processes; thus, alcohol rises to high levels in the blood in a relatively short time. From the blood, the alcohol is distributed to all parts of the body and has an especially pronounced effect on the

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Non-alcoholic wine Nigerians love to drink. Buy non- alcoholic wines on on Nigeria

6 Non-Alcoholic Wines Nigerians love to drink

Nigerians love alcoholic beverages, this is actually not news. Nigerians also love to drink and be merry whenever the need arises. Be it at parties or clubs, lounges, or even in our leisure time. The same amount of love goes to our non-alcoholic beverages, as they are both seen at these events in more than enough quantities. Some of these drinks are used for religious or even medical reasons. Today, we are going to be talking about the six best

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The Mystery behind the Chinese New Year

The Mystery of the Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year)

Chinese New Year – You must have been curious about how and why the Chinese celebrate a different New Year and the history behind it. Well, you are on the right page. Read on to discover the mystery behind the Chinese New Year and add to your knowledge. Chinese New Year is also termed as Lunar New Year or Spring Festival. This is their most prominent festival as it includes a wide variety of celebrations and a week of public

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